Saturday, 25 April 2015

Earrings for Book Worms

   My book flower necklaces and rings are extremely popular this spring, and I finally realised what was missing: earrings. So I've just added book flower earrings to my shop! Just as my rings and necklaces, these earrings are made from pre-loved books that have reached the point of falling apart.
   There's a number of books available, all listed on the product page, including Jane Eyre, The Prisoner of Azkaban, The Light Fantastic, Pride and Prejudice and more, but if there is a particular book you'd love to wear, I can track down a well-worn copy for an additional £2.50 (approximately $4.50) and make it specially for you!
   The earrings cost £20 as an introductory rate until May the 1st, when they'll rise to their retail price of £26 a pair  - that's only £6 more than the necklace, but it consists of two flowers each an inch in size, rather than just one - and £2 UK shipping, $5 for the rest of the world.


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