Friday, 18 November 2011

Recipe Card Printable!

Heylo everyone! Today I have some lovely recipe card printables for you! I'll be honest,
I made about 9 of them. I made 5, but then I found a great little brush, and when I used it
in green I just had to do a second set, so this week there's a double printable!
They are best printed on heavier paper or card.

I'll open with my favourites, which do form into a set. I have 4 cards - the green branch is for vegetarian recipes, the pink is for sweets, the brown is for desserts, and the blue is for non-vegetarian meals. I'm actually quite fond of them! I'm not a vegetarian myself - I used to be when I was in primary school, about 11 years old, but the dinner staff needed a note from my parents - they need a note from my parents saying "let her have more vegetables and less red meat". Is this serious?! But something in my head told me "don't ask them, they won't write the note for you" - what possessed me to think this, I have no idea, so I forged one myself. I scribbled instead of my mum's signature, and I was so ashamed that I only actually told my parents that I did this about a week ago. (I'm almost 21 :P) - back on topic: I'm not a vegetarian myself, but I know that a surprising number of the handmade community are - something related to being eco-friendly I expect - so I decided to accomodate for them with this pretty yet simple set:

The second set is a much more diverse one, and not really my favourite, but the work went in, so, dammit, I'm sharing! These ones can be printed off individually to save wasted paper (open in MS paint and just remove the ones you don't want), and so that they all match. I've got a cute little sweet shop one, a nice vintage lace hummingbird (similar to a previous bookplate!), a damasky one, and a blue/purple smokey whisp design. They're all right (my favourites are the sweetshop and hummingbird :D), but I expect if any of you are interested in them, only one would catch your eye anyway!

Best printed on thick paper or card stock, and, as usual, open the image and right click to save to your computer, then print! I do hope you like them. I have another printable planned for next week if I can get the tutorial that accompanies it together - it won't be an easy one for me to figure out, but I'm sure I can with a little research :D and, as I said before, once Twitter reaches 75 followers, I'll host a tweeting contest to win a one-time 50% off voucher in my shop - the biggest discount I will ever do! So do make sure you're joining in!

There's also two giveaways being hosted soon on two lovely blogs: LAST, a wonderful blog with creative DIY ideas, features, giveaways and interviews, and Shutter Happy Photography, which is more than the name suggests, and gives you an insight into the fascinating world of Mary Ann.
Keep your eyes open, because I will be posting links to the giveaway as soon as it's up, and you can win a cute christmas necklace that is unavailable anywhere else, made by yours truly!

And on one last note, I'm looking to change the name of my blog. I have synesthesia which makes finding a name even more difficult, since the colour of the words affect how I feel about them, but if ever I find one, I'll post a notification at the top of the blog a month in advance of the change, along with a new header so you can all get used to it. And, if the carer's allowance claim goes through (I should hear this week if there's any progress), I'll get a domain name to go with it! And perhaps some new clothes for the first time in a year or so.


  1. These are really cute! I might just have to print some out and use them for...something :)

  2. These are so cute, so clever! Goodluck with the name change though I do like the name you have :-)


I do read every single comment, and I will try to respond where I can. If you have an important question about my blog or my shop, however, then you might be better off contacting me directly by email. Thanks so much for reading my blog!