Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Etsy Favourite Feature

Four more lovely items that have found their way into my favourites! I emplore you all
to really check out these shops. Christmas is on the way, so it's a great time to find some gifts
for your friends and family. The items I include are always currently for sale at the time of
posting, and they cover a wide range of prices. Check out their shops, and you might
find the perfect gift for someone! Or, the perfect gift for you! You can always
drop some not-so-subtle hints...


  1. Thanks so much for the feature Kim!!! :) These are all wonderful items...I'm especially loving those colorful threads!

  2. Thank you for featuring my tags on your beautiful blog!

  3. Thanks for featuring our baker's twine!


I do read every single comment, and I will try to respond where I can. If you have an important question about my blog or my shop, however, then you might be better off contacting me directly by email. Thanks so much for reading my blog!