Sunday, 27 November 2011

New Giveaway!

   Yes, that's right, there's a giveaway going on! And this time, you can get a necklace that's not available in my shop! It was made specifically for giveaways! And, you have two chances to win, too! The first giveaway is live and is being held at Shutter Happy Photography, while the second will be announced shortly on another wonderful website!
   Mary Ann has given you 8 simple ways to enter this first giveaway, so do go and take a look at the giveaway page, where you can also find out what exactly is up for grabs! The giveaway is open for one week, so do hurry!

   In other news, I've had an idea for a great tutorial, but I need to gather up some pennies before I'm able to give it a shot. I'm hopeful that it'll work, and it's quite a cute little idea, so I'm hoping you'll all like it. Also, I just tried my first face mask ever and my face feels really weird and tight now xD Trying to work out if I'll make it a frequent thing but that depends if the red line around my face fades :(

   I also have two new items in my shop! Some cute decorative pegs with either a bare, magnet, or pushpin back, and some gorgeous little fabric spoons! They'd make lush gifts for mother's day! Go have a look - I'm open to custom orders, too! But do keep an eye on the shipping dates for Christmas. If you don't make your order quite in time, there's a chance it'll still get to you. The deadlines are just to try and minimise disappointed customers whose items get delayed in the Christmas rush.

Use code BF1125 for 20% off of your next order in my shop! Valid until Dec 1st!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow, I didn't know it wasn't available in the shop! I'll add that to my post :)


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