Wednesday, 18 February 2015

JoggBox - Fitness Subscription Box Review

   Subscription boxes are becoming a common thing these days. By paying a monthly fee, you receive a box every month filled with goodies from a number of different brands. They're essentially little more than samples, but it's a great way of trying new products without having to decide which - the choices are made for you.
   The thing is that most of the subscription boxes out there are beauty boxes, and that's fine for beauty buffs, but it's not for me. My skin is too sensitive for most skin products and I don't use any make up beyond eyeliner, so the majority of products I'd likely receive would be of little to no use to me. The rest of the boxes are food-based, like Graze, and that's also great, but I find myself eating for the sake of eating whenever I get them, so I don't bother any more.
   But I came across JoggBox a couple of months ago. JoggBox is a subscription box aimed at runners and other active people - more or less the only one I've come across - and, like other boxes, is filled with samples. The difference is that these samples are aimed at improving an individual's experience - electrolyte tabs, energy gels, protein shakes and so on. So it's right up my street!

1  •  2  •  3  •  4  •  5  •  6  •  7  •  8  •  9

   JoggBox contained 9 items in this month's edition; 8 were edible, 1 was not. The box contained samples to cover a good run or an intense gym session, which I thought was brilliant. Rather than having lots of products that worked on their own, all of these products from all brands would only compliment eachother and give greater and greater results.
   Muesli from Primrose Kitchen makes a great breakfast before an active day, while Vita Coco's coconut water provides amazing hydration and carbs (energy) while you're active, and as it's also a great source of electrolytes, you can guarantee better absorption and proper hydration.
   There are also hydration tabs, similar to nuun, by HiGH5's Zero, so you can keep your electrolyte levels up with plain water when you're out of the coconut water, and with two different energy gels (iso and energy), you can give yourself a boost of energy during your workout, too.
   Protein is key after an intense workout, be that a run or a gym session, as it helps to speed the recovery of your muscles, and carbs are a key way of refuelling when you're done, too, and you can find both of these in HiGH 5's protein recovery shake.
   There were also two simple snacks included, an energy bar from HiGH5 made from fruits and grains, and a chia cereal bar by Wowbab made from dark chocolate, fruits and nuts, both of which provide a tasty alternative to sugary snacks.
   And, while winding down, the Foot Rubz massage ball by Due North will help your hands and feet recover from the stress.

   So, unlike other subscription boxes that only give you three or four samples, this box fully kits you out for an intense workout or a long run. I absolutely love how everything in the box works together like this, as it makes the whole thing more desirable and more useful. It's a running kit in a box! Throw in a pair of good trainers and some reflective and moisture-wicking clothes and you're off!

   JoggBox is £15 a month, and the value of each box exceeds that cost. There are new brands and new products every month, and if you're a runner or a gym bunny, I highly recommend it! A little guide was included in the box, explaining each product and the brand, as well as a green smoothie recipe, and it also provided running tips by level ('starting out', 'getting better' and 'marathon training'), and one tip I'll point out for you for free is the 'be a minuteman'. Apparently, the biggest mistake that new runners make is the habit of counting miles, not minutes. Mile increments are far larger than minutes, so while you can run for 30 minutes, you may only cover a mile, depending on your skill. What feels better? '30' or '1'? I think that, right off the bat, that point makes a big impact if just because it's so simple.

   I was a little unsure about what JoggBox would provide, I wasn't sure it would be worth my time, but I promise, promise, promise that it is. It's an amazing subscription box for people like me, and a great opportunity to try other products on the market without paying for an entire tub of protein or tube of electrolyte tabs only to find you hate them.
   So, if you're a runner or a fitness fanatic, JoggBox really is the box for you.

The giveaway is over! The winner has been contacted and has 72 hours to respond before another winner is chosen.

   Win a JoggBox! This giveaway was an abrupt decision but the product is so good that I want to share it beyond this post, so I'm offering a single month of JoggBox to the lucky winner! I'll activate the gift subscription during March so that the winner will receive the next month's box instead of the one shown here, that way it's a little more exciting! The giveaway is open until March 1st, and the winner will be contacted directly.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
   Unfortunately, this time the giveaway is only open to UK residents as JoggBox doesn't ship outside of the UK just yet. I usually always keep giveaways open worldwide where possible, but given the kind of contents within the box, its size and its weight, it would be too complicated to forward the box on to other countries. However, JoggBox are working on extending the availability of their product for other countries, so that's good! I'll be sure to update this post when that happens.

T&C: This giveaway is unendorsed, meaning it comes out of my own pocket. The giveaway is only open to residents of the United Kingdom (UK). The subscription box received will not be the same as the one above, as it will be the following month's to make it more exciting. The winner will be contacted directly via the email address they used when operating the Rafflecopter widget. The winner will have 72 hours to respond to the winning email, and if they fail to do so, another winner will be chosen and notified, and the original winner will also be notified that they were too late. Prize is non-exchangable, and I cannot guarantee the specific products that will be included in the next box.

Disclaimer: I was sent this product to review by the brand itself. The quantity and precise products sent were their choice, not my own. All opinions and images are my own, and all appropriate research has been done by myself from a range of sources rather than relying entirely on the product's website, especially where health products are concerned. I do not accept a product to review if I do not believe it is safe or worth my own time, regardless of any kind of reimbursement. I trial the products for an appropriate amount of time before writing reviews to check for wear-and-tear on physical items and side effects from edible (be it supplements or food). If I have negative points to voice, I will voice them, and I never, ever accept product reviews or reimbursement on the promise of a positive review. My reviews are and will only ever be honest.


  1. Moisturiser samples and maybe a little book of all most scenic places to Jog

    1. Those are great ideas, but the little book of scenic locations is probably already the best idea there is! Good luck! x

  2. hello fab giveaway especially for someone like me whos just started jogging ! i think they seem to have it covered however how about some winter warmers such as a hand warmer or gloves or maybe even a hat or sunglasses. its already a great box though so i wouldn't really know what to add it all looks great x :) p.s in the rafflecopter i said debbie smith was the name however this is coming up in my partners name dan paternoster so just incase i thought id tell you i did comment but its in my partners name thanks again fingers crossed ! x

    1. No problem, this comment will serve as a note in case you win to avoid complications ^^ Good luck with the giveaway, and good luck with your jogging, too! It's a great form of exercise as you can really see your progress with both distance and time, so well done you! :D

  3. i think maybe some plasters or something like that to stop blisters when I am running

  4. Some diet advice.. or a pedometer or a gizmo like that

  5. the book of the most scenic places to jog sounds fab

  6. wipes i always think you need wipes when training

  7. Running accessories or clothing would be the best thing to get in a box.

    1. I believe there was a top and bottom combination in their Christmas box! So they do provide it, but not in standard boxes. The clothing you'd get for a £15 box would be pretty poor, I think.

  8. I think some small motivation posters, perhaps postcard size to stick on your fridge.

  9. I've seen JoggBox a few times and I've always been intrigued, they sound great and a fab way for you to try out different products for running.

    I think something like little cards with different stretching/yoga routines for pre and post run might could be good! as it's always important to warm up and cool down properly after a run and this would help to spice up a normal routine!

    Laura |

  10. products for gym like deodorant, wipes, spray and motivational stuff

  11. mini trial products would be fab, and motivational stuff to keep me going

  12. Some diet advice definitely - leanne w

  13. steps for beginners and healthy treats

  14. Maybe info on best buy products specific for jogging, and samples of products.

  15. Vaseline would be a good item to receive ... also vegan energy boosts would be a major plus for me

  16. new things on the market, books, food, everyday items, what ever is new.


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