Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Moodboard: Route 66

   Hello all! I've put together another moodboard! I'm quite proud of this one - it was surprisingly easy! I was looking at Durbarry Boots on Number Eight Clothing and I found this rather nice pair. I got this really understated biker vibe from it that I just couldn't resist putting into a moodboard.

   Aren't they great? Typical biker-style boots would have more straps and stuff on them, but like I said, these Durbarry boots gave me a really subtle biker feel. They're especially good because while they're totally fashionable, they're also waterproof, like wellies - but not as loud!
   I tried to keep the muted biker feel in my moodboard by using simple pieces, though the board itself has become a little biut cluttered - but whenever there is a lot of black and white detail together like this, it can become that way. I'm still very proud of it!

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10


  1. Damn this is a badass mood board, I like!

  2. This is great! Very well put together. Big thank you for including my goggles! :)


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