Friday 7 December 2018

Friday Favourites

[[Flash 10% off, free UK shipping and free gifts while stocks last! Shop Myth of the Wild while you can!]]

This week has been busy, but so good. I've been keeping on top of Christmas sales for the first time in years, and while I've got no chance at all of getting this book finished by the end of the year, I have been able to snatch an hour here and there to make notes, which will make the job a lot easier when I come back to it at the end of the month! Staying on top of sales is hugely rewarding, and while I'm working until 11pm most nights, I've grown to truly appreciate going to bed. Lying down is so nice.

Seeg and I went out with my best friend this week, we took a trip to Glastonbury Abbey, which was awesome, and made a little stop-over in Clark's Village to finally try a Hotel Chocolat hot chocolate from their cafe. Below is mine on the left and Seeg's on the right. We felt sick afterwards, but still waddled up to the Lindt shop and bought 500g of Lindor pick and mix... It can't be helped, we're fatties at heart. It's why we work out so much.
I'm also a little bit gutted, to be honest. I bought the greench jumper too late! It came out last year, I let it pass by, but decided eventually that I wanted it. When it returned this year I fell in love with it. And I delayed. I snapped it up on sale on December 1st, but there was a warning that it wouldn't arrive in time for Christmas. The notice has been updated, and now says orders placed after the 26th November won't arrive in time. I'm crossing my fingers all the same, but hell.

Warcraft Greench jumper   ♥   Hotel Chocolat hot chocolates at Clark's Village


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