Sunday, 4 November 2018

Resistance Training - November to January

Check-In: 3 Months

   And so begins another training plan. I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. I've never found a workout I could stick with for so long, so I know I'm on to something good.
   I'm using the same set-up as July-September: two lower body workouts, one total body workout, and one cardio/HIIT day - but among all that strength and power, there is one thing I know I'm lacking: muscular endurance. Believe it or not, I get that from yoga, which I've not done for ages, and when I finally did a few weeks ago, I struggled so much to hold any kind of warrior pose for more than four breaths. I used to manage ten no problem.
   Speed, power, utility, flexibility and range of motion, I have down. The ability to remain within one of those positions, I do not. Not any more. But my favourite time to do yoga is early in the morning when it's still dark - ie winter - and with the days drawing in shorter now, it's a great time to start. So I'm implementing a yoga session into my week's plan as some active recovery to try and round it all out. I read time and time again that yoga is great to supplement strength training with, and it's about time I started using it again. I'd also like to pick qi gong back up. I was thinking about Tai Chi, but at the end of the day, I already know Qi Gong and it gets the same MBI (mind-body intervention) and calming effects that Tai Chi is popular for. I'll try to fit it in on Thursdays and/or Sunday.

   As always, I've turned to Whitney Simmons for my lower body workouts. Why? Because she is amazing with them, her results are insane so I'm sure I'm in good hands, and they take about 30-40 minutes.
   I'm also taking my total body workout from Women's Health magazine, issue 59, October 2018, Katie Piper. It's more of a circuit workout with some speed; either I'll increase the reps and slow it down, focusing on depth and range of motion, or I'll just go for it. I am not looking forward to the box jumps, but I've also never pushed myself into them before, and in all honesty it looks to be the hardest move.
   My cardio/HIIT session will be - surprise surprise - Core de Force of choice.

Monday - lower body, Whitney Simmons
Tuesday - yoga
Wednesday - total body, Women's Health issue 59, Katie Piper (subbing gym rings for bench & yoga blocks)
Thursday - Qi Gong
Friday - lower body, Whitney Simmons
Saturday - Core de Force of choice
Sunday - Qi Gong

   I also got myself some lovely new leggings, this time from Grenade. I've always loved camo, and while I'm not a fan of obvious branding, I really liked the placement of 'GRENADE' across the back of the waist. I also love their carb killa bars. Just sayin'.
   As always, I'll update in 4 weeks!


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