Friday, 7 September 2018

Friday Favourites

You wouldn't think I'd like it. I didn't think I would. A film about a man in a wheelchair and his carer? No thank you, too close to home. Sounds like my every day life. But Seeg's mum recommended it, so we gave it a go. Never has a 'feel good' film actually made me feel so good. It was hilarious, and while it was real, there was a whole layer of comedy intermingled with the honesty, making fun of the situation in the kind of way you have to in order to handle it on a day-to-day basis. The same way we cope with my mum's disability. If you don't laugh, you'll cry. Honesty, I hugely recommend this film. Les Intouchables (or 'Untouchable' in the UK market) is a French film and based, I might add, upon a true story. And while I can't guarantee you won't cry at the happy ending, I can guarantee that you will laugh. Please watch it.

As for the rest of the really quite mundane things in this week's compilation, allow me to explain.
I have been looking for a brown top for years. You'd think they'd be more common, but you would be wrong. Brown, dark green, deep red, burgundy and deep purple are my favourite colours - foresty, autumnal, I'm suddenly realising - but while I have an abundance of the rest (though perhaps not quite enough dark green; it all seems closer to teal), brown has eluded me. The best I've done is a brown waterfall cardigan, which broke years ago. But look!! Finally I've found one! It's nothing special - that doesn't matter. I don't want 'special', I want 'brown'. And it is. And it is beautiful.
As for the pears, our neighbours brought over a bounty of them yesterday, as they do every year. The previous owners had a pear tree and it hung over the side wall so you could see they were never harvested. When the new occupants moved in a couple of years ago, they started harvesting them - free, organic fruit; who wouldn't? But they always have so many, and so they share them with the people of the street. Last year I used one of them to make Clangers' blue string pudding. Because I'm cool. This year, though, they brought over a lot more, so I've now got pear crumble and pear porridges for a week or so! I am so happy.
Also, it is my parents' 30th wedding anniversary on Sunday, and while I don't usually follow the annual traditions, I thought this was a good landmark to try it. I bought a gorgeous and tiny porcelain bowl handmade by Melissa Choroszewska with an interior pearlescent glaze, and some crispy pearls from Godiva which I'm going to attempt to coat in an edible pearlescent spray. I am also going to make a Japanese cotton cheesecake and spray that pearl, too! Wish me luck...

Les Intouchables (also 'Untouchable')   ♥   3/4 sleeve brown top by H&M
Conference pears   ♥   Handmade pearl bowl by Melissa Choroszewska


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