Monday 12 May 2014

Lyndsey Green Illustration

   I decided to treat myself after completing the 30 Day Shred, and while I'd liked to have done so with cake, I thought it probably wasn't quite appropriate, so I decided to go a different way.
   I've always liked Lyndsey Green's illustrations, I like the fact that they're almost realistic, but have a quite whimsical touch to them. She brought out a lovely little zine full of foxy facts in February, 10% of the sale of which goes to LACS (League Against Cruel Sports). It took me a while to get around to buying it, purely because I kept forgetting. I love Etsy, there are so many amazing products on there I want, but because I'm a seller, I tend to get a little more preoccupied with that than with shopping on there myself.
   But, when it came time to treat myself, I decided what I'd get. The zine cost £5, and I bought a couple of cards as well, so it wasn't the kind of splashing out you'd expect after such hard work. There are two reasons for that: 1) I'm damn near broke, and 2) I'm trying to save up for a few things such as new exercise equipment and...well, also a gaming computer. My priorities are straight, I assure you.
   But I was happy with the purchase and was eagerly awaiting the little book. I found out shortly after as well that I was Lyndsey's 1000th sale - so that was exciting! I felt even better about my purchase after that, knowing that I'd helped her reach that landmark, because I remember how exciting it was to reach 250 sales myself. I doubt I'll ever reach 1000 sales, though, I think I'll probably end up closing up by that point, but we'll see what life throws my way.
   I was working out when my package arrived, I was working on the second day of this month's workout (Jean Butler's Irish Dance Masterclass), but it was worth pausing the DVD to answer the door for it.
   My first thoughts were 'that's some excessive packaging for a bit of paper' because it was bulky, and I got kind of confused and even a little worried that I'd been sent someone else's order. I opened it carefully just in case, but the first thing I found in there (along with products I didn't order) was a little note thanking me for being the 1000th sale and to enjoy my free goodies!

   Amazing. Seriously. This is a fraction of the reason I love Etsy so much. The individuality of each shop, the personalities that shine through in packaging, correspondance and service, and the fact that your purchase does mean something to the individual. I had no idea I was going to be sent extra freebies for being the 1000th sale, and in truth I wouldn't expect it, either. I had a quick look on her Facebook page and found that it had been mentioned that her 1000th sale would receive a goody bag, but I think it could possibly mean a little less if her 1000th sale had come from someone who purchased just for a few freebies rather than out of support.
   Regardless, Lyndsey Green's work is amazing, and I'm so happy to have a wonderful new tote bag for my post office trips, a lovely print to sit beside my mirror, and a stash of cards for whenever I need them.
   If you haven't already, have a gander at her work. I must have her Wolf Song print. I love it, and I can say with confidence that my boyfriend would, too!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on completing your 30 day shred!
    The package you received is amazing! Very lucky! Going to check out Lyndsey's shop now!



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