Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Getting Back On Track

   I won't mention the Header. Except then. I'm trying to get back on track with everything now. I've always found that between December the 26th and January the 9th, I've lost track of days and dates. I, of course, never went to school over Christmas and new year, which meant that I didn't have to write the date five times every day, or think about getting up early. And then the calendar would change and my brain always tells me that the 1st of January is, of course, a Monday. I'm still trying to tell myself that this isn't always the case but I never listen! It usually takes me until January 9th, because then it's my birthday, and I'm made quite suddenly aware of the day and date.
   My birthday was great, by the way. Seeg got me the Harry Potter boxset and my parents got me the Dad's Army boxset, so now I have plenty to watch while I make stuff (old comedy really is the best!). I already had Blackadder and Fawlty Towers - next on my list is Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em :D
   Seeg also got me the dinosaur stuffed toy I wanted, that I found while looking for things for my 2 year old nephew. It's going to be a nightmare over years to come, whatever we find for him, one of us is going to want it! He got me another World of Warcraft book too - I love the game, I'm quite content to sit down and play it for hours, but I will admit that I enjoy the books a lot more.

   The shopping trip went all right too. Not as well as I had hoped, but the things I couldn't find that I needed, I was able to find elsewhere, or find a better substitute. Although I am really disappointed with Hobby Craft's limited and minimal range of stamps, so I think I'll just have to use Etsy and some online craft shops for new stamps. But yes! It went well enough that, when a couple of things I've ordered have turned up, I'll be able to open my new shop! It's called Dandelion Grenade, and it's quite empty at the moment. Once it's up and running I'll let you all know, but I will also mention that most discount codes that work with Peaches and Pebbles will also apply to Dandelion Grenade, including the code given to returning customers. So if you buy a piece of my jewellery, you could use your discount code on some stationery instead!
   I've always loved stationery, but a few sellers on Etsy have made me rediscover my love for it, as well as a meeting with an old friend. So I decided to try it out for myself. No, my products are not amazing, and neither are they that original, but I've created a few cute little characters whom I've copyrighted to feature on my stationery, so at least I can say I did that by myself. But we'll have to see how it goes.

   I've also decided to change the way I do interviews. I've joined the Createability Team on Etsy - while I, myself, am not disabled *touch wood* I am a carer, which makes me eligible to join. I've decided, following the interview with Rachael Paden of Sjo Compassion that I posted a few weeks ago, to post one interview a month with someone from within the team so we can see what it's like to live with it, and also a little about the disabilities ourselves, and also a few with carers, like me, who suffer just as much, emotionally if not physically. So they'll come by once a month and will be identifiable as being tagged "createability".
   I also want to try to interview some people on Etsy with interesting shops - not people with nice or successful shops, but rather interesting ones. I've seen people on there selling wigs, selling fairy wings, even bows and arrows, and, frankly, I'd like to know more! So, provided that they're interested, hopefully I'll manage to find enough of those to post one a month as well. They'll be tagged...with...something that I'm sure I can figure out later, I don't know, I'm tired and my brain is shutting down.

   So, yes, I'm trying to get myself back on track. I've put work into contacting a few people for interviews and Etsy favourite features, and I'm trying very hard to make some tutorials and printables, but that's not going too well. My mind is focused at the moment on my shop - both current and new - so I seem to have little room for much else. I've not even written any of my book yet because my head is so boggled! :( I plan to, though...ohhh I do.

...That header is annoying me. I think I'll have to dig into my savings to buy a new one because it just makes me sad to look at it.


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