Halloween Crafts & Recipes

   While I'm not big on horror films (though I've watched enough to become relatively de-sensitised), I do love Halloween. I love the theatrics of it - dressing up, scary garden displays and all that. But I don't really do any of that. Instead I take the enjoyment from food. I try to make unique Halloween meals (though they rarely work out how I'd like them to) and healthier snacks. But Halloween tends to creep up on me - appropriate, I suppose - and as it was never very prominent in my childhood, I don't tend to give it much thought until the last minute. Christmas is another matter entirely.
   But I've gathered what few Halloween crafts and recipes I've made and compiled them into this Halloween archive.

Tried something? Tweet me your finished piece!

Halloween Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

https://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2018/10/toffee-apple-porridge.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2017/11/catherine-wheel-toad-in-hole.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2017/10/halloween-jack-o-lantern-canvas-cake.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2017/10/autumn-pumpkin-chicken-pie-with.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2016/10/healthy-halloween-dinner-jack-o-lantern.html

Healthy Halloween Snacks

Halloween Sweets

http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2017/04/matchasaurus-cakes-with-purechimp.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2016/10/black-magic-halloween-cake.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2014/09/halloween-monster-eye-cookies-candy-eye.html http://www.ablackbirdsepiphany.co.uk/2014/09/halloween-monster-eye-cookies-candy-eye.html

Halloween Crafts

[Under Construction]


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