Saturday 14 October 2017

Mythical Inktober 2017 - Week 2

Inktober has slipped away from me a bit this week, I've been really busy with prepping my shop for Christmas, creating new stock, updating old stock, planning marketing and so on - it's a hard job, so when something had to go on the back burner, Inktober was inevitable.
That said, after missing 3 days I did put more effort into day 14, though I regret it a little because it's a wyvern, not a dragon, and the wyvern is further down the #MythicalInktober prompts list. That said, though, I still think it's good.

Anyway, I'm also going to take this moment to let you know that:
1 - there's free worldwide shipping in my Etsy shop until Monday, no minimum order
2 - sign-ups for my Christmas mini stocking exchange close in 10 days

Day 7: Banshee

Day 8: Gargoyle
Based on the gargoyles from my debut book, The Archguardians of Laceria.

Day 9: Pegasus

Day 10: Satyr

Day 14: Dragon


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